The Least Expensive Eelectric Can Crusher On The Market! Save Thousands of Dollars a Year on Waste/Garbage

► Commercial Unit With Heavy Duty Steel Construction. 4 Ton Crushing Power.
► Our can crusher is portable, weighing in at little over 135 pounds making it very attractive.
► Only 3 Feet long, 2 1/2 Feet High and 16 inches Wide.
► Protective Spring Loaded doors For Protection.
► Can Crusher, Table Top Version With Wheels For Mobility.
Crusher Potential:
Waste Management, Reduces Trash And Recycling ! Our "Electric Can Crusher", Will Clean up Beer cans, Soda Cans, Frees Space Up From Clutter! Crushes 5 Gal. Cans to 1/6 Original Size! (Crush cans up to 14 3/8" long) Crushes 1 Gal. Cans to 1/6 (1 1/4" inch) Original Size! Crush Several Beer And Soda Cans At A Time (crush to less than 1/4 inch thick) !!!! The Least Expensive On Market! Save Thousands of Dollars a Year on Waste/Garbage!
Applications: (click on any application)
Restaurants. State And Federal Facilities (Cafeterias). Hospitals, Healthcare Facilities, Daycares (Cafeterias). Schools And Universities. Auto Body Shops, Painting Contractors, Cleaning Companies. Manufactures, Plating Shops, Recycle Centers.